
I write most of my coding projects in C++ and/or Python. Here are some recent ones.


R3D (Rendara3D) is graphics/physics engine that I am writing for learning purposes. It is written in C++ and OpenGL.

r3d_stack r3d_shoot

Features include

  • Instanced rendering, Shadows, Bloom, HDR
  • Rigid-body physics for 3D boxes: discrete collision detection and response (using sequential impulses)
  • Entity-Component-System (ECS) based on archetypes for looping selected entities in a cache-friendly way
  • dear ImGui interface for editing shaders at run-time, changing settings and debugging


You can visit the github page of the project here.



Cells is a C++/Python software for simulating the collective motion of biological cells crawling on a 2D substrate.

cells1 cells2

The code has been designed to be flexible for testing out many different models. Features include

  • Python C++ interface for easy scripting
  • Integration of langevin equations of motion with custom forces.
  • Cells can be composed of multiple disks (for now, maximum of 2).
  • Contraction/Expansion cycle of cell body can be simulated.
  • Binary format (HDF5) for saving files.
I have developed Cells in Japan, for this scientific study. The github page of the project can be found here.


I have been doing research in computational statistical mechanics, which is a branch of physics dealing with the simulations of many interacting bodies using Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics techniques.

Physical systems that I have researched during my Ph.D. include fluids of hard spheres and active matter.


Here you can find my publications


Journal covers

I created the cover artwork for four issues of the journal Soft Matter. I used Blender for rendering.



Taking photos is one of my hobbies. Here are some of them

sunset kyoto piemonte
kyoto rome
kyoto cutepig
kyoto cologne

More here.


For an updated resume please contact me by email at: campo.matteo91 (at) gmail (dot) com